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Kata bunkai Not included on DVD


This DVD dynamically demonstrates 15 Katas of the Wado Ryu style.  Five Pinan Katas and ten advance Katas. Each Kata is performed, first in real-time, to allow the student to study the correct timing, rhythm and power within this beautiful Martial Art. Then in slow-motion, with a split screen showing the front view, back view and close-up of each and every stance within the Kata. To aid the karate-ka further in their study each stance is also captioned and voiced.

The Katas are performed by two of the most respected karate-ka in Europe and were filmed in the prime of their Martial Art careers, Sensei Oliver Brunton now 7th dan and Sensei Siobhan Leckey 4th dan. Siobhan was European champion from 1987 to 1994. She went on to win a bronze medal in the World Wado Championships in Tokyo. This was the first time anyone, male or female, has finished in the medal positions in Kata outside Japan. In many Martial Art circles Siobhan would still be regarded as one of the best female competitors to emerge from Europe. This DVD is an essential aid for any student of the Martial Arts wishing to enhance their knowledge & understanding of the Wado Ryu style.

Katas Demonstrated: Pinan Shodan, Nidan, Yondan, Godan, Kunshanku, Naihanchi, Seishan, Chinto, Passai, Niseishi, Rohai, Wanshu, Jion, Jitte






Proceeds from the sale of  Karate DVDs in aid of Ophir Karate Association.

+44 (0) 28 9073 9500