1. 1.Download the required pdf template from Template Downloads by right clicking and saving to your computer

  2. 2.Start your preferred design application and from within your application open the pdf template

  3. 3.If prompted by your application be sure that you open at 300 pixels per inch in the correct colour mode.

  4. 4.Lock the template and keep it visible as a background layer

  5. 5.Overlay your design and text layers checking that all text falls within the permitted areas

  6. 6.For paper parts designs ensure you provide a 3mm bleed where indicated on the template (On body designs do not require bleed)

  7. 7.Convert all text to outlines if working in a vector application

  8. 8.For on body designs hide any template layers before saving

  9. 9.For paper parts designs flatten template layers before saving

  10. 10.Save your design in the correct file format including all required design layers (Provide a printed content proof or a flattened reference file for each page of your designs).

10 step guide for downloading templates

   DVD Booklet.pdfArtwork_Templates_files/DVD%20Booklet.pdfArtwork_Templates_files/DVD%20Booklet_1.pdfshapeimage_2_link_0

+44 (0) 28 9073 9500