When Titanic launched in May 1911 it was a triumph for

two ambitious men: Lord William Pirrie, and his chief naval

architect –and nephew –Thomas Andrews.

In creating the ship both men drew inspiration from the family

patriarch Captain William Pirrie, largely forgotten now but a highly

successful 19th century transatlantic trader. In the centenary year of

Titanic’s launch his descendants reunited in Belfast to break a

longstanding family silence over the ship.

With exclusive access to family archive including a never seen before

image of Titanic, the documentary captures the family’s exploration

of their history including a visit to the former Pirrie residence in

London where the deal with the White Star Line was sealed and a

trip back in time to a whitewashed cottage on the west coast of

Scotland where the story of Titanic really began.


Killyleagh...where legends are born




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All five titles above are available on one inter-active SPECIAL EDITION Blu-ray disc.




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